Community Grants of up to $30,000 available for Greater Victoria non-profits and charities

Applications welcome until March 7 for the Victoria Foundation’s 2024 Community Grants Program, supporting non-profits and charities whose work benefits community wellbeing within the Capital Region.
If your non-profit organization or charity has a community initiative underway for the coming year, the Victoria Foundation would like to hear from you!
Grants of up to $30,000 are available through the Victoria Foundation’s 2024 Community Grants Program, with applications welcome until March 7 for all kinds of non-profits and charities whose work benefits community wellbeing within the Capital Region.
The program aims to strengthen the non-profit sector and bolster long-term community resilience by supporting eligible local organizations with flexible, general operating funding. The program is funded through the Donor Advised Funds held at the Foundation, Community Action Funds and discretionary funds, and grants will be distributed to successful applicants in July.
The Foundation encourages applications from across the non-profit sector including the arts, environment, food security, housing and homelessness, health, youth engagement, and more.
Applications will also be evaluated with an eye to pressing needs as identified by community, sector reports and through the most recent Vital Signs Report, where Key Issue Areas receiving the lowest grades were Economy, Getting Started, Housing, Safety, and Transportation.
This year, applications for collaboration grants between multiple organizations will be accepted in the Fall, and more information on this will be release this spring.
Following trust-based philanthropy principles to promote equity, centre relationships and increase accessibility, the program is also designed to recognize the historical and systemic barriers to funding for some communities and encourage applications from all organizations that are working with equity-deserving groups.
Reimagining the future of non-profits at a coming film screening
Next month, the Victoria Foundation will host a special screening of the visionary film UnCharitable.
Through charitable workers’ personal stories, UnCharitable explores how our societal values toward the operating needs of non-profits are preventing them from being as innovative and sustainable as they could be. Filmmaker and renowned charitable activist Dan Pallotta then presents audiences with some powerful solutions.
Hosted in partnership with Coast Capital, the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, the Susan & Carl Stovel Family Fund held at Victoria Foundation, and United Way Southern Vancouver Island, UnCharitable plays at Thursday, March 7 at the McPherson Playhouse.
Doors open at 4:15 p.m., with the film at 5:05 p.m. and a live Q&A following at 6:35 p.m. with Pallotta, local impact advisor Jim Hayhurst, and Imagine Canada CEO Bruce MacDonald. Audiences are invited to stay for refreshments and conversations at 7:30 p.m.
All are invited to come see the film and be part of the conversation – reserve your ticket here on EventBrite.