Dance the night away at Chilliwack Hospice Society’s Disco Gala

Break out your sequins, sparkles and bell bottoms, pull on your dancing shoes (even platforms if you want!) and dance the night away at the Chilliwack Hospice Society’s Disco Gala.
Coming to the The’í:tselíya or S.A.Y. Community Centre Sept. 23, Tickets are $175 and available online
Funds raised through the gala support the palliative care provided by volunteers at Cascade Hospice and grief services for children, youth and adults at Chilliwack Hospice Society – all vital programs and services provided free to the community.
“This Disco Gala is the biggest fundraising event of the year for the Chilliwack Hospice Society and people attending feel amazing giving back. Every year, we sell out!” says Sue Knott, CHS Executive Director, thanking this years presenting sponsor Silver Creek Travel Center for their help in making the event possible.
And this year, you have even more ways to join the fun and support this vital cause, even if you can’t attend the gala itself: an online auction and a 50/50 draw, with tickets available at
Knott would like to thank all of the sponsors for supporting this amazing event. It wouldn’t be possible without them.
Here’s what’s happening:
Dinner & Dancing – With catering by Restaurant 62, the plated dinner features red wine-braised short ribs, local heirloom tomatoes and bocconcini salad, roasted fall vegetables and apple verrine. After dinner, dance the night away to music from DJ Adam Kruger.
50/50 – Tickets for the 50/50 raffle are $10 for one ticket, $30 for five tickets and $50 for 10 tickets – buy tickets online or at the gala until 8:30 p.m. “The odds of the 50/50 draw are 1 in 17,000, but it ends up being a lot of money – last year’s winner winning $7,000. The draw will be at 9 p.m. on the night of the gala.
Silent Auction – The online auction launches Sept. 17 at 3 p.m., with bidding continuing until 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, the 23rd. Successful bidders will be immediately notified through the auction system.
The Wine Wall – A highlight of the evening and auction is the Wine Wall – a cabinet filled with donated bottles of wine, each bearing a tribute or memory of a loved one. “The winner of the Wine Wall gets all the wine, the beautiful cabinet and touching stories about how loss affected donors’ lives,” Knott says, encouraging anyone who would like to donate a bottle for the fundraiser to drop it off at the society office until Sept. 22.
Hospice Matters
Reflecting on the powerful impact of hospice, Knott shares her own experience: “When I came to hospice, I realized I had a lot of unresolved grief in regards to important people I had lost in my life. I didn’t realize how broken I was. But after being here, I started to heal. Now, I am a much stronger, happier person and I have come to terms with my grief.
For hospice information and all the details about the Disco Gala, visit