LEGAL NOTICE: Village of Masset 2023 real property tax sale

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List of land and/or improvements to be sold at Public Auction to be held in the Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, 1686 Main St., Masset, B.C., commencing at 10 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 25, 2023.
Upset price includes all delinquent, arrear and current taxes plus interest/penalties and cost of the Tax Sale, to Sept. 25, 2023.
TERMS: CASH. The Purchaser must pay the total purchase price immediately in cash upon being declared the successful bidder, or the collector shall promptly again offer the parcel for sale.
Tax sale bidders must attend the tax sale in person.
The highest bidder above the upset price shall be the purchaser. If there is no bid above the upset price, the person bidding the upset price shall be declared the purchaser. Where there is no bid equal to the upset price, or no bid, the municipality shall be declared to be the purchaser in accordance with the Municipal Act.
Roll Number:
Description: 1910 Widgeon Blvd, Lot 1, PID
Land / Improvements: Land & Improvements
Upset Price: $5,616.60
Roll Number:
Description: 1274 Williams Street, Lot 11-12, Block 24, PID
Land / Improvements: Land
Upset Price: $1,300.16
Owners of the aforesaid land and/or improvements have until 10 a.m., Monday, Sept. 25, 2023 to pay the delinquent taxes plus interest in order to remove their land and/or improvements from the Tax Sale.
– Jo-Ann Brown, Tax Collector