Time for a window replacement? How to save money and collect rebates

Completing a whole home window replacement is expensive, so before you take the leap, it’s important to do your research.

If you’re having issues with your windows you may assume that window replacement is your only option. But did you know that many windows can be repaired, for a fraction of the cost?

Common window problems and solutions:

  • Damaged or cracked glass: Can be repaired without replacing the entire window. If your window is still under warranty, contact your manufacturer to complete the repair. Even if the window’s warranty has expired, the manufacturer may be able to replace glass for less money than a full window replacement.
  • Condensation: Water droplets on the room side of your glass is actually a sign that your windows are working extremely well! To solve the problem, balance your home’s humidity with a dehumidifier. If the condensation is between window panes, the seal on your window is likely broken and your windows are no longer energy efficient. Contact your window manufacturer to find out if your window is still under warranty — they may be able to repair the seal.
  • Broken or faulty hardware: Latches that don’t latch, windows that don’t glide and cranks that don’t move can all be frustrating to live with, but often you can improve functionality by replacing broken hardware. This can extend the life of your window and postpone replacement.
  • Drafts: If you notice a gentle breeze or cool air near your window, you may be able to repair the air leak by installing new caulking or weatherstripping. Pick up the necessary materials at a local hardware store. If you’re unsure about drafts, test your window for leaks by lighting a candle and walking around the edge of the window. If the flame flickers, it’s likely from an air leak in your window.

When to replace your windows:

  • When they’re old: Modern vinyl windows can last for over 20 years, but older windows should be replaced to improve your home’s energy efficiency.
  • When they’re single pane: Double and triple pane windows offer significant energy savings — energy-efficient windows can reduce window-related heat loss by half! Replacing single pane windows will also help your home stay cool during summer heat waves, and warm during winter cold snaps.
  • When you’re preparing your home for sale: New windows will dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal, and offer a significant return on investment. If you’re considering selling your home soon, replacing old windows is a smart idea.

How much do replacement windows cost?

To get a sense of your budget, start by using this window replacement cost estimator. If the cost seems too high, remember this tip: not all windows need to be replaced at the same time! Start with one or two windows, and replace a few more each year to help spread out the cost.

The British Columbia provincial government offers home owners thousands of dollars in rebates for completing residential renovation projects that reduce home energy costs. Qualifying upgrades include replacement windows and doors, insulation and heat pumps.

As of Oct. 1, 2019, homeowners can receive up to $2,000 on select windows and door replacements. The amount you receive depends on the quality of window and door you choose, based primarily on the U-Factor. Windows and doors with a U-Factor value of 1.40 to 1.23 (W/M2-K) qualify at $50 each, for a maximum rebate of $1,000. Windows and doors with a maximum U-Factor of 1.22 (W/M2-K) qualify at $100 each, for a maximum rebate of $2,000.

The U-Factor is a measurement of the rate of heat loss of a window assembly, including the glazing, frame and spacers. The lower the U-Factor, the better insulating properties.

Some home owners in British Columbia can combine the CleanBC Income Rebates with the Canada Greener Homes grant, which offers up to $5,000 for window and door replacement.

If it’s time for a window replacement, Kelowna’s Ecoline Windows is ready to serve you! From their base in the Okanagan, their window experts can serve home owners in many BC communities. To consult with window experts and find a cost-effective solution for your home, call 778-400-2063!

READ MORE: CleanBC Rebates for Windows and Doors – Everything You Should Know to Claim The Best Offer

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